Yvette by Jed R. Cruz
Updated weekly!
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Lyrics of the Week:
"You shi hou you shi hou
Wo hui xiang xin yi qie you jin tou
Xiang ju li kai dou you shi hou
Mei you she me hui young chui bu xui..."
- Faye Wong, Hong Dou (Red Bean)

(submitted by colboy)
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Friday, April 26, 2002

I don't believe this! There's something wrong with the circuit breaker in the house and the power in my room (and some adjoining rooms) has been knocked out. Hopefully we'll be able to work this out by next week, but I'm cancelling the update indefinitely. This just wrecks my mood too much for me to do anything.

If you'd like to contact me for some reason, send your e-mail at jrevc@yahoo.com for now. Sunday, April 21, 2002

I think I'd better push the update to Thursday to be sure. Be back then.

Friday, April 19, 2002

I've been having problems uploading again. I'll have things updated by Sunday. Sorry!

Saturday, April 13, 2002

I've finally gotten around to creating a page for Yvette's awards, although it needs more work (and contents!). Some links have been updated, too. Finally, I'll take this opportunity to plug my art page on deviantArt, where I've uploaded some stuff I've recently done. Check out the page by clicking here. Enjoy and leave a friendly comment!

Thursday, April 4, 2002

Ah, back to the wonderful world of Yvette! At the time of this writing, the forums were acting up and I wasn't able to take a peek at those lyrics Esyla left for me for this week, so the LotW update might be a bit late. Sorry.

Thursday, March 28, 2002

Sorry for not bringing this up sooner, but I've been playing hooky quite a bit lately. The next update will be next week, since I'm taking this week off for holy week. See you then!

Thursday, March 14, 2002

All right, Lyrics of the Week has once again restarted. Thanks to those two people who gave me a little boost! Post in this thread to submit your Lyrics of the Week suggestions. Go, go, go!

Friday, March 1, 2002

It seems that I've forgotten to post the last of the pre-relaunch wallpapers I was talking about. Here it is. Sorry for the delay!

1024x768 | 800x600 | 640x480

Also, Yvette is now a proud member of KEENamp, an all-music-related webcomic group. Take a look at the new dropdown to the left and check out some other great band comics on the 'net!

Wednesday, February 27, 2002

Still no progress with the forums. The comic's what's important, though. I'm sorry I haven't been supporting Lyrics of the Week lately; I'm going to be quite busy this week and the next.

I updated the cast page with new character art! Let me know what you think. Also, if you're in the mood to waste some time, check out Engrish.com. I ran across this one earlier this week and it literally made me shed tears with laughter! You think I'm exaggerating? You haven't seen Eric Crapton yet.

Thursday, February 21, 2002

New Keenspace forums! I really don't like the black color scheme, but if the head honchos want it that way, fine. I can now post messages, but I seem to have lost my "mod" status in the forum. Yes, that means I can no longer ban your @$$ when you decide to do something not nice! I'm working on it, though. I updated a links section a bit. I would've done more, but updating every page to link to the new message board URL was a frogging pain in the butt. More later this week.

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